Asbestos Removal at Height is a specialist project task. This project was for the removal of Approx 200m2 of high level AIB (Asbestos Insulation Board) cladding from a warehouse in Heston, West London.
High Level Asbestos Removal
The pictures say it all, however you can see that the asbestos insulation board (AIB) formed part of the warehouse building eves of the roof.
Not an asbestos removal job for the feint hearted or indeed the inexperienced.
M3 Asbestos won this project because of their knowledge and expertise on how to achieve this asbestos removal at such a height safely and efficiently.
Man Hours
Project Date
Approx Surface Area
The Height Of Excellence
Working at this height above the warehouse floor and achieving the goal of safely removing the asbestos insulation board (AIB) takes planning and experience.
The years of knowledge and experience that our team possesses and able to demonstrate made M3 Asbestos the chosen company to remove the asbestos in this Portsmouth warehouse.
A lot goes into each project of this size, and when it comes down to it, there are only a few that can actually deliver what is required.
An Asbestos Enclosure At Height
Just because it is so high off of the ground doesn’t mean that the risk of asbestos is any lower.
We designed and had built a full asbestos enclosure that reached to the roof of the warehouse and encapsulated the work area safely.
From there, our team were able to remove each section of AIB and wrap it air tight before bringing it down to the ground level.
There it was prepared and transported to the registered asbestos transfer station to continue its journey to be processed safely.