Asbestos Surveys
We specialise in all types of asbestos surveys including being able to identify and test for asbestos materials within buildings and maritime.
If you are suspicious that you may have asbestos within your premises or just want to be sure,…

Asbestos Management Survey
Asbestos Management Survey
The following two surveys used to be known as Type 1 and Type 2 Asbestos Surveys. They are now amalgermated as one and known as Asbestos Management Survey’s.
Asbestos Management Survey (HSG264)
Formally known…

Demolition or Refurbishment Asbestos Survey
Demolition / Refurbishment Asbestos Survey (HSG264)
Formally known as a Type 3: Pre-demolition/major refurbishment surveys
This type of survey is used to locate and describe, as far as reasonably practicable, all ACM’s in the building…