An asbestos survey taking samples, part of our role as a fully licensed asbestos contractor

Asbestos Survey Overview

The duty to manage Asbestos in non-domestic premises came into force in May 2004, in which all non-domestic premises are required to have had an asbestos survey overview contained within an updated Asbestos Register.

Regulation 4 requires all Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM’s) present to be identified and a full Asbestos Register to be in place. This will assist in the duty to manage the risk of Asbestos exposure to staff and visitors alike.

HSE and Local Authority Inspectors are already carrying out prosecutions against companies who are not complying with Regulation 4.

There is no limitation to the fines and HSE and Local Authority Inspectors will take whatever enforcement action they deem appropriate based on the severity of the problem.

To avoid the risk of prosecution, it is imperative that all non-domestic premises have a fully working strategy, together with an implementation timetable in place to demonstrate how they are working towards full compliance with Regulation 4.

M3 Asbestos Ltd will undertake every aspect of your Asbestos Management and ensure your full compliance to the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 (Regulation 4).

M3 Asbestos Ltd are specialists in all Asbestos related issues including being able to identify and test for asbestos materials within buildings and maritime.

If your are suspicious that you may have asbestos within your premises or just want to be sure, we offer site surveys.

From early 2010, Asbestos Survey’s now fall into two category types (HSG 264), Asbestos Management Surveys and Demolition / Refurbishment Asbestos Surveys.

These new survey categorys have changed from what used to be known as Type 1, 2 and 3 Asbestos Surveys. An HSE asbestos guide (PDF document) can be downloaded from our website here (opens in a new window)

So for an asbestos surveys 0verview, you can read more below to find out which HSG 264 asbestos survey best suits your needs?

What type of Asbestos Survey do you require?

Asbestos Management Survey

The following two surveys used to be known as Type 1 and Type 2 Asbestos Surveys. They are now amalgermated as one and known as Asbestos Management Survey’s.

Asbestos Management Survey (HSG264)

Formally known as a Type 1: Location and assessment survey (presumptive survey).

The purpose of the survey is to locate, as far as reasonably practicable, the presence and extent of any suspect Asbestos Containing Materials in the building and assess their condition. This survey essentially defers the need to sample and analyse for Asbestos until a later time. The duty holder bears potential additional costs of management for some non-asbestos containing materials. All areas should be accessed and inspected as far as reasonably practicable. (e.g. above false ceilings and inside risers, service ducts, lift shafts etc) or must be presumed to contain Asbestos until proven different.

Asbestos Management Survey (HSG264)

Formally known as a Type 2: Standard sampling, identification and assessment survey (sampling survey)

The purpose and procedures used in this survey are the same for Type 1, except that representative samples are collected and analysed for the presents of Asbestos. Samples from each type of suspected ACM found are collected and analysed to confirm or refute the surveyor’s judgment. The number of samples should be sufficient for the surveyor to make an assessment of whether Asbestos is or is not present. Sampling is normally carried out simultaneously with the asbestos survey, or can be carried out as a separate exercise, after a Type 1 survey has been carried out.

Demolition / Refurbishment Asbestos Survey

Demolition / Refurbishment Asbestos Survey (HSG264)

Formally known as a Type 3:  Pre-demolition/major refurbishment surveys

This type of survey is used to locate and describe, as far as reasonably practicable, all ACM’s in the building and may involve destructive inspection, as necessary, to gain access to all areas, including those that may be difficult to reach. A full sampling programme is undertaken to identify possible ACM’s and estimates of volume made. The asbestos survey is designed to be used as a basis for tendering the removal prior to demolition or major refurbishment.

  • Full compliance with Regulation 4 of the asbestos regulations 2006
  • All Surveys carried out in accordance with MDHS 100 and HSG264
  • All our surveyors are trained to BOHS P402 or higher, with extensive experience throughout the industry
  • All Asbestos samples tested by a UKAS accredited laboratory

Contact us now to arrange your site asbestos survey overview as to which materials are ACM (Asbestos Containing Materials)